The Economist Guide To Project Management By Paul Roberts
A veteran project manager shares his proven approach to getting the job done right, on schedule and within budget—every time!
Each year companies initiate projects in hopes of improving their bottom-lines and gaining a competitive advantage. Unfortunately, a good percentage of those projects either never get off the ground or, if they do, never come to fruition. According to veteran project manager, Paul Roberts, more often than not, projects fail because of a lack of organization-wide commitment to their success and an unwillingness to invest in proper project management. In this updated second edition of his popular guide, Paul clearly shows why projects of any scale require that an entire organization contribute to achieving results. He outlines a proven approach for engaging all stakeholders in the project management process. And he walks you through the four steps essential for successful management: initiation, planning, delegation, and closing.
Author Paul Roberts has successfully managed projects at a variety of prestigious companies, including Pfizer and British Airways
Clearly demonstrates how and why investing in project management, especially in this economy, can help you avoid, or minimize the impact of, schedule delays and cost overruns
Offers expert advice and guidance on how to place project management a priority not just for the PM and project team, but organization-wide
Supplies a wealth of clearly, easy-to-use flow charts, diagrams, tables and other useful project management tools