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5 Things You Shouldn’t Do Before You Register Your Business

I understand that excitement when a business idea pops into your head; you want to jump out of bed and start getting things done immediately.

While there are things you can start doing immediately such as research and product development, there are a couple of things you shouldn’t be doing until your business is registered.

Below are 5 things you shouldn’t do before you register your business.

1. Print your business cards

Do not be in a rush to print your business cards. it can wait till your business is registered.

2. Enter into contracts

While you can enter contracts as an individual, it is advisable to do so as a company. This gives you credibility. It also gives you a legal shield by separating you personally from the action of the company. If yur business is not registere, do not go into contracts. Get your business registered before doing so.

3. Print your marketing materials

Avoid the mistake of printing your marketing materials when your business is not yet registered. A vital reason for this is that, your chosen business name might not be available for you to register. Someone else might have already registered the name or the government might not approve the name for you due to some legal reasons. You don’t want to end up building a brand that you can’t own.

4. Launch your website

It is important to register your business before proceeding to launch a website. For obvious reasons, you would want your website name (domain name) to reflect your business name. Until your business is registered, you’re unsure of what name you would end up using.

5. Create branded items

Before you start creating those branded items such as mugs, shirts, pen, etc, it is important you’re sure of what your business name will end up being. You don’t want to spend money on branded items only to realize that name you’re branding belongs to someone else.

It is important to get your business registered to avoid unnecessary mistakes. Registering your business in Nigeria is cheap and fast. You can proceed to the Corporate Affairs Commission’s website to get it done or you can reach out to us to help you get it done with three days.