To Catch A Thief By Richard Taylor
“To Catch a Thief” is the gripping story of how God set Richard Taylor free from a life of crime, violence and drug addiction, dramatically transforming this young man whose life seemed to be irreversibley spirally out of control. Today he is the associate minister of one of the JK’s fastest growing churches.
Richard Taylor grew up in one of the roughest areas of South Wales with no fahter figure. He was the epitome of the lost you, hoodie generation and while still in his teens he had more than 30 convictions for drug abuse, drunkenness, burgulary, auto theft and violence. He had a heroin addiction and crime seemed the only way to fund his habit. Prison was inevitable.
But one night in his isolation cell as he was tearing a page from the Bible to roll a cigarette, God met with him, and instead of rolling his cigarette he was captivated by the words of the Gospel of John. He began reading and didn’t stop for the next 20 chapters. He knew something had happened to him that would alter the course of his destiny forever.