The Wonderful Name Of Jesus By Ew Kenyon


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The Wonderful Name Of Jesus By Ew Kenyon

This book is a thrilling exposition of the power and authority vested in the Name of Jesus,and the believer’s right to use that Name. The book has changed the prayer life of multitudes. If you wish power in prayer, this book is a must. It will thrill and astound you, when you find out who you are in Christ, and what Christ is in you. Don’t be a weak, defeated Christian, find out what the Word has to say about you, what your rights and privileges are as a believer. Although he was called Home to be with the Lord in 1948, the writings of Dr E W Kenyon, continue to thrill and excite and make the Word of God a living reality… no one that reads his books with an open mind can ever be the same again. They are a mightly unveiling of the Pauline Revelation, and are the basis for all the deeper life teaching and revival that is sweeping the world today.

The Wonderful Name Of Jesus
This message is a struggle to make real to the modern church the hidden wealth of an almost unknown truth of the Word of God. The writer has felt for years that the disciples had a power to which we are utterly strangers, and that this power should belong to the church. He has been seeking a solution to this problem and believes that this book will be an unveiling of the hidden spring. We trust that others will build upon this foundation and that before the return of our Lord, a portion, at least, of the body of believers will be living in the freshness of the power of the early church.

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