Law In Practice In Nigeria By A. Obi Okoye – 2nd Edition 2015 Hardcover
“Professional Ethics and Skills which is a course presently taught at the Nigerian Law School Bar Part II programme, was previously known as ‘Law in Practice’. The course seeks to acquaint the students with knowledge of the ethics of the legal profession as well as other basic legal skills. This third edition of the book offers comprehensive discussions and analysis of the various responsibilities of a legal practitioner in Nigeria including his relationship with clients, as well as basic lawyering skills needed by a legal practitioner for a successful practice at the Bar. Also discussed in this new edition of the book are mode of appontment and discipline of Judicial Officers, various ADR processes and court-connected alternative dispute resolution mechanism known as ‘Multi-Door Courthouse.’ The book will continue to be of immense benefit to Bar Part I & Bar Part II students of the Nigerian Law School, law students in the Univresities, lawyers and judges.”–Page 4 of cover.