70 Ways To Beat 70 – Keys To A Longer / Healthier Life By David B. Biebel .d Min


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70 Ways To Beat 70 – Keys To A Longer / Healthier Life By David B. Biebel .d Min

One look at today’s headlines makes it obvious that health is big business. With a significant portion of the population retiring and thinking about health concerns, the time is right for a resource that pulls together all the best information on how to live a healthy, long life. 70 Ways to Beat 70 is a practical, scientifically reliable, biblically sound, and easy-to-read handbook that combines current research on living healthfully with important findings on the connection between longevity and faith. From commonsense advice to innovative ideas on how to live better one day at a time, 70 Ways to Beat 70 is a unique and welcome resource for healthy living.

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