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When Everything Seems To Be Against You

“When everything seems to be against you, remember that the airplane takes off against the wind, not with it.”

Henry Ford


Often we come across challenges in life and we feel the world is against us. Why can’t it just be easy? We ask ourselves.

What we fail to understand is that we all need challenges to push us ahead in life. Like our quote of the day says, when everything seems to be against you, remember that the airplane takes off against the wind, not with it. If you decided to go with the wind, you will be blown anywhere. But if you decided to go against the wind, the journey will be tough but you will get to your chosen destination with discipline and commitment.

Find motivation in your challenges. Remember that when you have a target, there will be a target against you. When you exert a force, a force of an exact magnitude will be exerted against you. That is what life is.

Challenges are meant to make you stronger, not to weaken you. Face your oppositions, face your critics, run the race, lift the weight, work on your goals and bring your dreams to life.

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If A Man Is Called A Street Sweeper

“If a man is called a street sweeper, he should sweep streets even as Michelangelo painted, or Beethoven composed music or Shakespeare wrote poetry. He should sweep streets so well that all the hosts of heaven and earth will pause to say, here lived a great street sweeper who did his job well.”

Martin Luther King Jr.


Many of us are currently doing a job we didn’t choose to do. Most obvious reason is the lack of alternative. Well, learning from this quote from one of the greatest leaders to have ever walked on this planet, we should put efforts in whatever we do, regardless of the position we find ourselves.

Are you a sweeper, gardener, driver, nanny or security guard? Maybe it’s not what you want for yourself, but the most important thing at the moment is that you do it with all your heart.

That job could be an opportunity for you to develop yourself, to work on your character, to get you ready for something bigger.

Imagine a would-be actor who has never taken a role in any movie before. Yet he turns down small movie roles, waiting for the day he would land a big role. A day that may never come. What if he accepted the smaller roles and gave exceptional performances as if he is the lead actor. Who knows who might be watching the movie. Maybe someone who will be impressed by his performance and will decide to give him a big role.

In any position you find yourself, make the best out of it and it might just be the stepping stone you need to get to greater heights.

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Success Is Something That You Attract By The Person You Become


“Success is something that you attract by the person you become. Success is not something you pursue. What you pursue usually elude you like a butterfly. Success is something that you attract like a magnet by the person you become.” Jim Rohn

Everyone wants to be successful. And everyday we all get into the race of attaining success. What we do not realize is that whatever we pursue eludes us. When you pursue something, it runs away from you, to the opposite direction. You might be thinking, if I run faster than what I’m pursuing, I will catch up with it. Maybe you will, but the truth is, you will get exhausted. Whatever you want, do not pursue. Simply work on attracting it. Get up and start working on yourself. It’s all about who you become.

In Jim Rohn’s own words, to attract people, you have to be attractive. To attract powerful people, you have to become powerful. To attract committed people, you must be committed. You attract whatever you become. The key is to make yourself valuable.

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If You’re Not Failing, You’re Not Even Trying At All


“If you’re not failing, you’re not even trying at all.”

– Elon Musk


Many of us are afraid of failure. We’ve all experienced failure at least once in our lives. It is not an experience we wish to repeat.

While some of us got up and ignite the engine again, many of us decided to call it a quit. We succumb to failure.

What you need to understand is that if you want to be successful, failure is inevitable. A child doesn’t walk without falling several times. She tries to walk and she falls again.

What do you think would happen to a child who falls down and refuses to get up again? Your guess is right; she would never be able to walk.

Instead of remaining on the floor, she gets up again, tries to move her legs. She falls again and again. But every time she falls, she learns to control her legs and her legs get stronger till when she no longer falls while walking.

That is what life is. We fail in what we do but with every failure comes a lesson. The lesson is the fuel we require to move ahead.

Do you know how many failures preceded the discovery of electricity? Do you know how many failed rocket launches Elon Musk had before the successful one came.

Failure is an ingredient of success. So, do not let the fear of failure hold you back. Get up and work on that project today.