Mass Communication Principles And Concepts By Seema Hassan 2nd Edition 2013 Paperback
Mass Communication: principles and concepts is designed to give a general and comprehensive view of mass communication to the student. The book is unque in presenting mass communication, jourmalism,advertising,pubic relations,photography,broadcast media,media laws and media research and new media technologies in one volume. It is a challenging book and an essential reading for all students,teachers,trainers,researchers,practitioners,professionals,and educators of mass communication. The mass communicator needs to know the basic role of communication principles and concepts,be it the print or electronic medium or performing arts. The book serves the purpose of all students of mass media and journalism and learners in the field as it is designed specially keeping in focus the academic syllabi of leading univerties colleges.
The authors researchin diverse communication areas has provided depth and simplicity in presenting the mass communication in cohensive and understandable pattern. The educational features of this book are designed to support and improve media literacy skills as it lays out the elements to enrich readers knowledge and understanding of the mass communication process and mass media industries. The book includes all aspects of media literacy as it is an essential survival skills for everyone in the society. This book presents an overview of the social and communication roles of various channels of mass media covering various operational areas and is designed to serve as a textbook for all strudents of mass communication,journalism,advertising,public relations.